Ohio and Erie Canal


I have seen...

the cans, carelessly thrown from a window to land in the leaves on the roadside

I want to remember…

I want to remember that Our land is a treasure, a gift to behold, From mountains and valleys to deserts so bold. But humans have taken, and taken some more, Without giving back, like we did before. We've polluted our air, our water, our soil, And left behind scars, a legacy of spoil. But we can make changes, and start anew, By giving back to the land, and being true. We can recycle our waste, and reduce our use, And be mindful of our actions, and what we choose. For the land is our home, So let's give back to the land, and show it we care, And make it a better place, for all to share.

I have seen...

I have seen mounds of dead trees I drive by them Conscious of what they used to be Something will replace them And then that will be replaced

william m

I have seen...

the jungle of concrete, so beautiful as constructed/ a method of mad/ curse of all greed/ what more can be corrupted?/

I have seen...

I have seen destruction I have seen the wind I have seen creation I have seen nature give

Mr. Kuhl

I have seen...

I have seen smoke in the sky that pollutes are very own man kind i've watched trees get demolished and skyscrapers re-polished The land has burns from flames as the building rises from its ashes

My hope is…

My hope is to live in a world where things that are taken from nature are used for only good deeds. My hope is that all the big corporations see how much damage they are laying out for the future of nature. My hope is that our future generations of people reserve what God has created and not turn it to rubble. My hope is that the world will eventually realize its own greed.

Just A Kid From Akron

I want to remember…

I want to remember the children playing in the streets, laughing and running around. The rustling of the leaves dancing in the wind, the warm summer sun like a blanket. I want to remember walking through the forests with my brothers, our dog chasing off ahead to smell the critters.


I want to remember…

bicycle tracks by deep lock / overgrown by trees and vines like a jungle / the water drips and it echoes / sound bounces back as I balance on the platform's edge / it seems so magical to be here in solitude. / How was this ever a hub of industry? / Now it is quiet as nature takes back over.

Evers Brooks

I have seen...

I have seen the concrete towers crack and crumble. Rubble made of gray stones and puss colored walls. The newly dead is only beginning to decompose, making way for the green.

Helen Bryson

I want to remember…

The walks I've taken

I have seen...

a great many things in my lifetime but none so poignant as a still canal


I have seen...

I have seen many things, but I wish to see more

I want to remember…

the old oak i spent years growing alongside, reading and romanticizing beneath its branches/ hugging the tree, my brothers and i reaching out/ wrapping our arms around it as our fingers brush, overlapping/ we called it the big tree, and it was ours/ and we moved and moved on and found a new home/ we returned to revisit our old friend/ and found only a stump./ i imagine my big tree, my fingertips brushing the rings/ feeling the memories flow through me -- the rings we shared together./ i look through branches breaking the sky into stained glass/ here in my new home, mourning for memories under sapling-streaked skies

Sophie Grace Young
Sidney, OH

I have seen...

A large orange muskrat/with matted fur/cower/in a the dark shelter of a storm drain

Steven Caumo

I want to remember…

I want to remember the land before our time, what the shaded forest was home to, and what it covered in its prime Watch now, as he wields the knife in hand, shredding all of it down, all, by man Taking it all in, imagination and all, zoned off to a tree, as I watch it fall Birds fall and squirrels fly, we watch it fall and seem to cry who has done this? who, why, chop and chop trees and population numbers drop. watch now, beware your actions stop to listen, cut the neglent to a fraction.

Chardon OH

My hope is…

Every day for years I passed a lonely abandoned home. Its trees stood tall, framing its tired face....Mangled landscaping and overgrown grass was a safe home by unseen critters. ...Then one day it was all gone...all of it...loss of a home, a habitat, a tree, and green space....In its place a shiny Starbucks, full of noise and pollution.

Chardon, OH

I have seen...

A chardon factory once in its prim took up a large amount of land, it was left behind with time and still satnds ugly. Maybe If they planted trees around it our town wouldnt look like an industrial park.

Jack B.

I have seen...

trees been cut down and land exploded all were animals live and others born.

Munson, Ohio

I have seen...

I have seen the world we live in with animals and trees slowly disappear. It disappears in what feel likes seconds. I am no deer or squirrel but I see how they can be forgotten.we all make and make but we also take and take.


I want to remember…

I want to remember there was an old house that got torn down, and people built a Starbucks. In place of that Starbucks we could have planted trees.

Chardon, Ohio

I want to remember…

I want to remember the popcorn stand ran by Grady Husek in the 1900s.


I have seen...

I have seen the forest turn to industrialism.


I want to remember…

what nature looked like before buildings and modern society changed it.

I want to remember…

I want to remember water skiing on the ocean with my family in Florida


I want to remember…

I want to remember picking up garbage from the beach with my family and friends in North Carolina.

I have seen...

I have seen trees of green, and flowers of blue, I have seen trash on streets, It might have been from you, our world will thrive, without the trash on the sides, I have seen animals die from the trash on the side.


I have seen...

I have seen the new building go up and i hope that there are more to come and make pansvill even more beautiful

kaylee rangel

I have seen...

I have seen people waste food

I have seen...

I have seen a lot of bridges, some big and grand some small and minor, Some made of wood, some have ridges, others are finer than a diner. Some take a long time some took a short time. Jonathan


I want to remember…

I want to remember the land of nature, the land of wise the land that is not polluted by the nature of humans curiosity started it all but what is left now? All that is left is the pollution everywhere but what i want most is for it all to be reverted the land of the clean is perfect for me.

I want to remember…

I want to remember The old smell of fresh air the smell of the air the the leaves made from photosynthesis The color of greeny grass with the clear blue sky

Painesville OHIO

My hope is…

I love everything

My hope is…

My hope is to be good.. better and stronger than ever. If i can do it, you can too. We are in this together.


My hope is…

My Hope is to end world hunger. Help all the people older and younger. I want the world not to starve, and be free. We can help the world, JUST YOU AND ME.


I have seen...

I have seen, my aunts house and took it down. Now they have made a park with the land.


My hope is…

I hope to see new advancements and more contribution to the community, I also hope for pollutants in the water to end.


I want to remember…

I want to remember...as it once was...not be held with pure memories...but to see and live in our reality

I want to remember…


Dead wolf

My hope is…

that people will start to protect the waters by making sure they don't let the animals be harmed again.


I want to remember…

i want to remember what my land looks like

My hope is…

to make the world a better place


My hope is…

for our land


My hope is…


I want to remember…

i want to see cool things in my life.

breaking Benjamin

My hope is…

my hope is to help nature come out of extinction

duwane the wock jhonsesa

My hope is…


My hope is…

My hope is that someday when I am gone, someone somewhere pick up my souls up and off of these pages.

I have seen...

I have seen destruction among the trees and the greens. I have seen the wind go from being glistening and sweet to sour and grey. I hope for the day when the earth rumbles and the vines take back what was rightfully theirs to keep


My hope is…

My hope is that one day we will realize that we are nature too. We are living, breathing, alive, me and you. My hope is that one day there will be respect and homes for everything on the earth. Humans and animals, we all need a hearth. My hope is that one day we will remember to care. Still have nice things but remember to share. For the things and nature that we took so much from. Who never complained. My hope is that one day we will make room and have compassion for every living thing under the sun.

I have seen...

I have seen buildings rise and buildings fall... Some are small and some are tall... I have seen many things but some are larger than the rest...


I have seen...


I want to remember…

I want to remember the nice clear fields... I want to remember when I climbed trees... I want to remember the times when I could see the nice blue skies... I want to remember when I could live without a worry of losing the memories in the fields I loved the most.

I have seen...

I have seen land cleared by big corporations so car washes can be built

I have seen...

I have seen, oh what I have seen I have seen the trees fall I have seen new homes I have seen new trees I have seen them made just to fall I have seen them cut down what they put up for us.

My hope is…

my hope is to restore nature to it's natural balance and only take what is needed and not wanted.


I have seen...

I have seen many areas of land that have been cleared for different gas stations and car washes.

I have seen...

iv'e seen old building, falling apart buildings and run down places.

I want to remember…

I want to remember the old red train station that began to fall apart and eventually got torn down.

I have seen...

I have seen things fall down, abandoned, and built, but no matter whatever what happens the people all stay the same and as we rise as a community we stay strong.

I have seen...

I have seen buildings go up, go down, and be abandon


My hope is…

That we stop being so sus and just go green R.I.P old gas station near DQ


I want to remember…

i want to remember the days, where you see trees, sound of the wind slamming against the trees, birds singing, as they build a nest, to raise and build generations as the rest, sound of the echoing of the dirty ground, fennec foxs huddling underground, we destroy their homes, as to act innocent to build our own, they say dont invade, as we break and take down homes of they´re ache, as to later on, we´ll make them go extinct, as we say, ¨whats going on?¨

Hala Khalil

My hope is…

My hope is to establish fairness and equality My hope is to stop the spread of animosity My hope is to eliminate bullying My hope is to encourage the spreading of kindness for the great good

My hope is…

My hope is to see mankind grow And nature thrive better than ever My hope is to see the future And better from the past My hope is progress

I have seen...

I have seen places made I have seen trees being destroyed for owns use I have seen too much trash being built up I have seen places made

I have seen...

I have seen... waste and pollution on the ground Wildlife lose homes to construction What a shame animal homes are taken away What a shame

I want to remember…

I want to remember that if they're destroying woods and forests there destroying nature and if there destroying nature we will lose food animals and most importants air.

Alexis Arenas-Guerrero
Painesville Ohio

My hope is…

My hope is to see lavish trees And to see nature flourish My hope is to see Nature peak And to not see trees getting Breaked down my hope is for Nature to thrive

I have seen...

I have seen buildings being built I have seen communities being built I have seen stores being built I have seen lives being built Buildings have been torn down Stores have been torn down I have seen modern buildings being built I have seen better communities arise I have seen life in action.

My hope is…

by the time my children's children are born they will still be able to see the gifts and beauty that nature can bring.

Brenda Leon

I have seen...

a lot trash that is in the grass and it should get pick up fast or are planet will not last.


My hope is…

My hope is people get along

My hope is…

My hope is that us as people will grow into a strong community and will make a difference weather it is by making buildings for people to either work or live in or weather its to just help out a little by giving to the community but despite that I just hope that in our future we will all grow as a community.

Mark Irvine
Painesville Ohio

I have seen...

I have seen buildings being built I have seen places coming down

My hope is…

my hope is to see the earth become less polluted than it is, and the world change for the better.

I have seen...

Animals forced from their habitats for our need.

My hope is…

My hope is that the world will eventually find a healthy way to accommodate both Humans needs and environmental needs without catastrophe or unnecessary destruction of the planet.


I have seen...

I have seen people destroy and roam Just to sit on on their Throne

I want to remember…

I have seen a lot of waste and it wasn't right, my hope for our land is that we can just keep it clean and right throughout the time being.

I have seen...

nature screaming in pain

I have seen...

I have seen many things things that happen all the time.Animals homes chopped down down to the ground.Animals forced to move.Moved to a different habitat forced to eat different foods.Some live and some die.Some even go extincted.

Aurora Lachowski

I have seen...

I have seen the world come apart and the world die because of pollution the hurt the enviorment


I have seen...

I have seen land taken away when it is removed to make room for buildings.The trees in the area get cut down. The animals who have lived there for more than use are forced to move. More and more land is removed every day. The land gives us oxygen and food. The trees make oxygen and the plants provide animals with food. The animals are pushed out where there is a scarce amount of resources because there will eventually be too many in that area. My hope for the land is that people think about the land before removing it. The animals and trees never did anything to us. So why should we bring them a lot of harm.


I want to remember…

I want to remember the world when it was young, and for people to enjoy it again

Madeleine Lange
Chardon Ohio

I want to remember…

I want to remember that people notice the bad things that they are doing. I hope that there will be no pollution and hurting other animals. Then if we stop hurting the environment we mite live in a cleaner better environment.


I want to remember…

I remember the water, It rushed down the river, until the one day It dissapeared. Down went the trees where lived the bees, that surrounded the beautiful river.Muddied the water, where the trout swam, cloudying up the river. Though the store brought many, the fish and bees never returned because the bees home was burned and the fish couldn't return To what they used to call home, the river that got polluted and lost to workers.


My hope is…

My hope is that the world will be a better environment. Everyday I look outside and see smoke coming out of a factory. That smoke can not just hurt animals but it hurts us humans too. Then if those animals die out then the animals that eat those animals will die too. Then after everything dies out there will be nothing on this world. So we need to put a stop to everyone hurting the environment and help us have a better world before we won't have anything left.


My hope is…

My hope is that maybe people will notice that if we take too much of the environments water that the animals use to live then some of the animals could be gone.

Anonymous :)

I have seen...

I have seen people tear down the environment to build modern day businesses like starbucks to meet our needs not the animals of the environment we took it from.


I have seen...

I have seen land being cleared away I have seen habitats dissapearing But I just stand there and watch I have seen homes collapsing I have seen trees falling But I just stand there and watch I have seen rivers caught on fire and natural resources burning But I just watch


I have seen...

I have seen videos of the rivers catching on fire and it is dreadful, I have seen that there was animals taken from their homes and and needed new places to live and survive. there were not many natural resources left in the places that there needed to be, rivers animals and resources are needed in order to live and survive, they needed to build in order to keep the environment alive and get rid of the most unwanted scenes from happening.


My hope is…

I hope that this world becomes a better place. Day after day things have been getting worse. Animals are dying every second and its our job to make this world a better place. I hope that one day we will be able to have a save world.


I have seen...

the iron beavers na on the tree no more homes for the bird that is green


I want to remember…

I want to remember the times in our history where people didn't have to worry about people destroying the enviroment and when they could just get water and not worry if there is pullution in it but instead we tear down are enviroment.


My hope is…

Hopes can be endless For the enviorment the hopes are high My hopes are that everyone can show respect Not only respect for others but for the enviorment too


I have seen...

I have seen trees cut down down to the ground.I have seen otters dams break and flow.I have seen the water the water that flows with the waste.I have seen the animals flie. I have seen the happy homes build.Build with glee.Save the marine life save the land life.So help and help.

Aurora Lachowski

I have seen...

I have seen land been taken by building companies all for the sake of money. They build the hotels when more hotels are still empty. I want people to open their eyes and see what they are doing to our planet, and stop.

My hope is…

My hope is that maybe people will treat our water's better. People may fish from the lake and feed there family. It may hurt people and the environment.


I have seen...

I have seen animals torn from their homes, the lives of their families are at stake/ If this was to happen to you, what would you do? Thrown out of your home with nothing but the clothes on your back/We need to change

Chardon, Ohio
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