
personal experiences, thoughts, and expressions of a global community of writers

My Voice Is

My voice is a dangling, dying leaf clinging to the branch of hope for peace.

Julie Dunsworth
Oviedo, FL, USA

My Voice stands for

My voice stands for the migrant whose voice has been erased by fatigue and fear.

Joyce Ray
Dunbarton, NH

My Voice

May 4 '70 my voice cracks with grief. Not even truth will bring relief.

Leatrice U.
Mantua OH

My Voice stands for

Peace and justice for all!

Babacar Mbaye
Kent, Ohio, United States

My Voice Is

My voice is a fall leaf changing colors.


Give & Take

take back our endless human needs for power, wealth, pleasure, and honor / replenish our souls so we love each other once again

for Hazel

My Voice

My voice rejoices. My voice longs.

Falmouth, ME

I Want

To respect an event I did not witness With my own means of living into justice


My Voice stands for

My voice stands for those that are silently other.


My Voice

My voice is raised for those voices unheard /and buried, unraised/ in their dark chambers, once heard as/ echoes in the air.

Myra Dorrell
Cape Cod

My Voice stands for

My voice stands for tears of mothers, Toddlers, and our wise teachers Who Propagate racial supremacy Through stories that divide us, humbly. Awaken from your stupor, Defend the weak and cover Our terror with soothing Peace, that's a balm to all that's horrifying. ©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

Malak Kalmoni Chehab
Toronto, Canada

Give & Take

Should you take my breath, then give me peace. But how would you even define peace? If you take my childhood and replace it with conditioning, then how do I settle for your peace? If you take my conditioning and replace it with ‘your profit,’ then how do I understand your heart? If you take my trust and turned it into war, then how do I accept your decisions? If today you take my life and turn it into obedience, then where do we go from here? Not only my life is lost. Regardless, my peace is mine. Not related to what you have taken from me.


My Voice

My voice: a bird song bouncing on the Cuyahoga River this quiet morning

J. Guaner
Itta Bena, Mississippi

I Want

I want to go back in time. I want to go back in time and appreciate my youth. When I was little I wished to be a teenager. I wished to be older. I wished my youth away. Now that in the place I’ve always wanted to be my only wish is to go back. I wish to be young again. I don’t wanna be a teenager I’m tired of stress and work and headaches. I miss ice cream parties and play dates and laughing. I wish to be a kid again

Victoria martin
Akron oh

My Voice

My voice joins the thousands Who were affected by the events of that day When the peace of a spring day Was interrupted by the staccato of bullets And violence visited a place of learning Although 50 years have passed My thoughts can still be transported To fifth grade and an iconic photograph of unspeakable grief. God bless KSU and those forever changed by the events of May 4, 1970. May peace grow there as daisies proliferate on the hill outside Taylor Hall. By A. Hall

Anna Hall
Akron, OH USA

My Voice stands for

My voice stands for those who don’t have one. My voice stands for those who are too afraid to use their own. My voice stands for words my pen is too afraid to confess. My font is small, but my voice can be as loud as I choose.


I Want

I want to scream but I can’t find the sound. I want to stop but words keep flowing out. I want to express but I can’t find the words. I want to reach out, but my arms stay still.

Avery & Gabby

My Voice Is

My voice is explosive like gas to a fire My voice is memorable like a dream My voice is quiet when the world is loud My voice is raw with emotion My voice is spewing with ideas My voice is lost in my thoughts

Akron Ohio

My Voice

My voice betrays my heart.

Avery Bohrer
Akron, Ohio

My Voice


Akron, Ohio

My Voice Is

My voice is shallow. My voice is a friend to everyone. My voice is a friend to none. My voice does not understand the depth of its words. My voice is mine.

Avery Bohrer
Akron, Ohio

My Voice Is

Sharp like ice


My Voice Is

My voice is a train/derailed.

Mr. Brown
Akron, OH

My Voice Is

My voice is quiet like a wildfire

Akron, Ohio

My Voice stands for

My voice stands for everyone who never had the chance to speak up.

Each Every

Give & Take

Give and take… take take take The people we need they give till they’re drained. The thiefs, ungrateful and greedy. All should be equal We give and we take, not just take, not just give

Akron, Ohio

My Voice Is

My voice tightens when I get frustrated. My voice dims when disheartened, breathes when I sigh. Can my voice be heard from across the world? Only if I yell out loud enough. Only if the fervor in my hearts rises up through my throat and out of my mouth, or onto the page. My voice isn’t as quiet as it sounds.

Akron, Ohio

My Voice

My voice yells, my voice sings My voice speaks of senseless things. My voice cries, or even worse, sobs My voice wants to be heard If only my ears were willing to listen.

Anna B

My Voice stands for

My voice stands for the smallest, the youngest, the brave


I Want

To not be dictated by those who are fools. Cough in agony, their air unfit.


I Want

I want grudges to be dropped and forgotten I want children to not worry about if they are coming home to there father abusing there mother or there mother abusing there father I want dogs to not worry about being dumped on the streets and then falling asleep and not waking up. I want those who are in the government to give up the necessity and greediness for money and start helping those they promised to. I want people to stop and wonder why am I doing this, Why did I make this decision? In what way will this impact people around me? I want people to open there hearts and help others that are less fortunate then them

Akron, United States

My Voice Is

Loud, but only in my head. Quiet, to everyone else. Slow, to speak up. Quick, to anger. Why can’t we change?

A + G

I Want

I want an infinite love, surrounded in yellow tulips.

North canton

My Voice Is

My voice is like a siren. I am always speaking my mind. But sometimes my siren is too loud. I feel that I need to shut it down But it is just too loud.


My Voice Is

My voice is as quiet as the sun shining down.

Grace Nelson

I Want

I want you to know that Peace is always a priority in my classroom, in my world, in my life. Peace will guide every breath until I have no breath left.

Mrs. F.

My Voice stands for

All the lives lost from senseless violence

My Voice Is

My voice is a fall leaf changing colors. Just like a leaf during fall we change our colors as well. Voice, eyes, hair, and skin change as the years go by. Your voice can get deeper or smaller. Your eyes can go from brown to green or green to brown. Your hair can go from blond to brown. Your skin can go from brown to white. You can be changing and not know. You change, the world changes even if you don’t it to.

Amaris Elizabeth

My Voice Is

My voice is a echoing song that only a few will listen to. My voice is filled with restricted words most will never understand. My voice is not loud but soft and quiet but the words associated with it are powerful and well thought out. My voice does not always speak what my mind thinks. My voice will not always match the steps I take. I may object my own actions and learn from them.


My Voice

My voice has hurt and my lungs have been drained. Our hearts have been punctured, wounded, and frayed. The hurt in our throats are so sore and they cry; for our people, our fighters, they too have been burned, hurt and unalived. But we stand proud of our achievements and winnings. We wont stop fighting for the children and women, for the men who have hurt and the normal that was hidden. The fighting won’t stop until we get peace, So say "No justice, no peace!" Until we have been freed.

Oliver Villalpando

My Voice Is

I am soft spoken but my will is platinum, my fist is iron and my soul is copper, weary and discolored, my voice is like the clouds it can cover light or be a catalyst for the sun

R.E Miller

My Voice Is

My voice is nothing compared to the screams of the trees as they burn in the night. My voice has no purpose when buildings are crashing to the ground with all the worlds might. My voice can’t be heard if I am staying quite while the world spins in a endless carousel. Trees burn louder then all voices. Screams can only be heard in the dead of night. When the stars shine brighter then the fire at night the world crashes under our feet. Rocks tremble on the surface, hearts crack with discouragement. My world is yellow. Yellow like the sun and the flowers that bloom in the spring. Yellow like taxis that take me place to places. My world isn’t this world. My voice cannot be heard in this world.


My Voice stands for



I Want

I want you to be happy like one million puppies are around you.


I Want

I want you to be safe like you are laying in a pile of fluffy puppies.


My Voice Is

My voice is a waterfall, spilling out for all to experience.

Cuyahoga Falls, OH

I Want

I want everyone to love, respect, and be kind to each other.

Ray Brennan
Columbus, OH

I Want

I want to live in a world with love and peace.

Emily Yanchak
Pittsburgh, PA

My Voice Is

My voice is a rock, Strong and steadfast, seeking change.

Kat Hutchison
Stow, OH


I have a quiet voice, but it is no less strong. I have a world of art. I want a world of nature, exploration. My voice is grateful for what I have, but I yearn for others. I yearn for us. Forever.

Haley Von Ceera
Shawnee Hills, OH


I want a free liberal space. My voice stands for all women in STEM. I want to end war.


I Want

I want people to listen to each other. I want people to keep an open mind. I want people to get past what divides them.

Amber Q

I Want

I won't change.


Give & Take

We give and take. With a push and pull. Leaving our peace, giving up quick, getting back our freedom, taking back our lives.

Akron, OH

My Voice stands for

My voice stands for "peace"


I Want

I want "peace"


My Voice Is

My voice is a lion, king of the wild.

Akron, OH

I Want

I want my sunlight to shine over the horizon

Addle DeSanto
Wooster, OH

I Want

isn't it so spoiling to be drunk in somebody else. pouring, bleeding, bubbling over another's skin. together a medley of shared words, moments, and intimacy. Nowhere to go but in.

Brienne Guyesha
Grafton, OH

My Voice stands for

My voice stands for the millions of internally displeased people, disrespected and disenfranchised by their "representative" governments.

Grove City, PA

I Want

A summer walk. Bright red aligns silver skin. Nature's revelry.


I Want

I want myself to feel something again. I want to have a life I can have control of. I want to have the best year of my life. I want to be me so I can inspire other people.

Aaron Johnson
Chicago, IL

I Want

I want a world where people of different ethnicities don't feel afraid to leave their houses at times.


My Voice Is

My voice is full of life.


I Want

I'd like to leave my table now, but I"m employed to stand here, so I don't know how.


My Voice stands for

My voice stands for those who cannot, for those who are afraid and for those who couldn't be heard.

Isis B.
Sandusky, OH

My Voice Is

My voice is a silent thunder clap. My voice stands for the every unheard scream of a survivor. My voice rings out. My voice will transcend time. I want all to be heard. Open up the canvas of the world. My voice is, silent silent silk weed.

J. Payne

Give & Take

I look out at the fading green as humanity fights as a team. Fighting for rights to live with a deadline like a lease. Yet there are still some like us, Who fight for peace.


My Voice

My voice can make the darkness bright


My Voice stands for

My voice stands for justice.


My Voice Is

My voice is tired of girls who lose their livelihood.

Ami Hays
Pittsburgh, PA

I Want

I want peace

Rika Igavashi

My Voice stands for

Believe in your Spontaneity. It always keeps you Up.

Kavya Suii

My Voice Is

My voice is heard. My voice stands for independence. What I want is love!


I Want

I want a world in which I don't want to worry. I want a world where I feel safe again. I want real freedom. I want a world that priorities love again.

Canton, OH

I Want

I want good grades!

Pittsburgh, OH

My Voice

My voice stands for climate concerns.

Cleveland, OH

My Voice

My voice stands for positive changes

Cleveland, OH

My Voice

My voice stands for environmental change.

Cleveland, OH

My Voice Is

My voice like a blanket to lead protection to those in need.


My Voice Is

My voice is powerful and loud.



Think about yourselves. Think about neighbors. Think about society. Think about country. Think about world. "IF" There's only smiling to each other. How Beautiful.

Kent, OH

I Want

I want to find stability in this rocky life.


My Voice Is

My voice is a symbol of smile. A smile that grows on every person. It is a spark that glows with every smile for world peace.

Lava Kumar
Kent, OH

My Voice Is

My voice is an ocean wave crashing on shore.

Destiny Ratkoxec
Wintersville, OH

I Want

I want to see the beautiful places of this world preserved. Untarnished from the hands of greed.


My Voice Is

My voice is the wind. My voice stands for inclusitivioty. My voice screams. I want to feel loved. Take back my hurt and give me power. My voice is a strong wind.

Grace Baker
Gavanna, OH

My Voice Is

My voice is the roar of the ocean on a cool night. My voice is the fall of a tree, crashing with all it's might. My voice is capable of so much. My voice can make great changes, even with the smallest touch.

Theanen Brown
Silver Lake, OH

My Voice

My voice yearns. My voice wanders. My voice agonises. My voice creates. My voice destory. My voice is sempriernal.

Jeremy Schuch
Kent, OH

My Voice

My voice stands for equal rights for every human.

Aydenn Steadman
Howland, OH

My Voice

My voice stand for every person suffering with mental health issues afraid to use their own voice.

Rachel Steadman
Howland, OH

My Voice

My voice is the trees, study and strong.

Maume, OH

My Voice

My voice stands for all women, no matter age, race, sexuality, ect.

Toledo, OH

My Voice

My voice speaks of the change we must see in this world.

Sam Poore
Olmsted Falls, OH

I Want

I want change and positivity, change and positivity, change and positivity.

Jenny Ratkovce
Tekamah, NE

I Want

I want a world where my right to marriage isn't questioned. I want a world where the rainbow flag I hold proudly isn't called a "Sign of God" and "Not my pride."

Jordan Luna
Willard, OH

I Want

I want an end of suffering for those effected by cruelty of the disease we call cancer.

Nina Lozada
Cleveland, OH

Give & Take

Take away the greed so many poses and give people the things that they deserve.

Kyle W
Rochester, NY

I Want

I want people to have the freedom to follow their dreams.

Dawn Martin
Columbus, OH

I Want

I want the young men and women to have true independent thoughts and create the world they want to live in.

Ryan Martin
Columbus, OH
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